Perhaps I can start.
If I were to use last year as an example, in fiscal year 2023-24, FCAC's consumer information centre received just over 9,000 inquiries and complaints. Of those 9,000, approximately 6,800 were related to complaints that individuals might have against a financial institution, and 283 of those related to areas that FCAC actually oversees.
That's not to say that we don't provide support to the Canadians who call us for areas outside of our mandate. Of course, one of our roles is to provide Canadians with information to help them navigate the complaint-handling process and explain that they do have the option to escalate their complaint to an external complaint body. Our role is to ensure that those 9,000 or so Canadians who are calling us are provided with information that helps them navigate the financial marketplace.
My colleague, Mr. Lofranco, could speak to what we do with the reportable complaints.
That being said, all of the information that we receive from complainants who contact our consumer information centre not only helps us monitor trends and issues in the financial marketplace, but also helps inform our supervisory activities.