Our competitive intensity study was what we released in 2023. It looked at data from 2000 to 2020, and we made all those findings that you refer to.
Effectively, we believe that the solution in Canada is multipronged. We needed amendments to the Competition Act to make it a stronger tool for enforcement. We needed additional resources at the bureau to catch us up to where we should have been. Both of those things have happened in great measure in the last several years, with, as you know, several bills before Parliament and our budget being increased in 2021.
The third piece I would refer to as a whole-of-government approach in Canada to addressing competition problems arising from regulations and laws throughout our economy that may unintentionally hinder competition. This is a very big problem in Canada. We rank near the bottom of OECD countries in terms of regulations that hinder competition. This is something we've been advocating for for some time as part of the solution to what is a very significant competition problem in this country.
Hopefully that answers your question.