I'm going to give this to Jason and Supriya, who handle the strategy for financial education.
The one thing I would say is just to remind the committee that there is not just what we do to put out information. I know you're all referring to what's on our website, but remember that all the materials that we produce and all of the educational components are shared with 18 networks that have about 500 agencies, which are specifically targeted at financial literacy in the community, at different levels. I've heard you speak about seniors and about youth and about the disenfranchised, the poor or whatever. Those are all agencies that have targeted audiences, and they scale or amplify all the messages that we put out.
Our role is really to be a reliable source of accurate information and to obviously promulgate it as widely as we can, but to also allow others to scale and amplify the message. It's never just about FCAC.
Anyway, that having been said, that's the context.
I thought, Jason, you might want to speak to the strategy.