I will move to resume debate, because I don't believe we voted on the motion I had on Mastercard's production of documents.
Members will recall that, as part of the credit card study that MP Masse put forward, we had Mastercard and Visa here, and we had some discussion during that meeting around the government support for the cybersecurity centre and the $15 million that Mastercard received from taxpayers.
I will just remind members that the motion we tabled and, I believe, began debate on but did not vote on, was as follows:
That the committee order the production of all documents, emails, memos and any materials related to the [Liberal] government's $50-million [handout] to Mastercard, including all communications between ISED, PCO or PMO and Mastercard regarding the grant; and that the committee report to the House to express its concern regarding the value for money for taxpayers on the nearly 50 million taxpayer dollars given to Mastercard by the [Trudeau Liberal] government.