I follow the Statistics Canada releases, and I have seen the indications of prices declining. We stated that a 25% price decline would happen over a period of time. If that's happened, that's great.
I believe we have to go further. I think we have to make the contracts that Canadians sign—if these contracts should even be in existence—null or very simple. Like Mr. Masse said, a lot of Canadians don't have time to spend hours on the phone. They aren't lawyers. They don't have the graduate degrees or whatever to sit there and debate to try to get the best deal. These are very hard-working Canadians who are busy bringing their kids to hockey or soccer and are trying to pay bills and so forth.
I really hope you folks understand that, because there's very little patience left with certain corporate sectors of the economy, especially with those that are considered protected, for various reasons, against foreign competition, enjoy EBITDA margins probably in the mid-40% range for most of their businesses and generate a ton of cash flow.
Thank you.