I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 149 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Industry and Technology.
Before we begin, I would like to remind all members to read the little card in front of them about the use of earpieces and microphones. The health and safety of everyone is at stake, especially the interpreters.
I would also like the committee's consent to approve the budget for the study in question, which the clerk sent by email.
Do I have the committee's unanimous consent to adopt the budget?
Seeing no objections, I declare the budget adopted.
Pursuant to the motion adopted on October 28, the committee is resuming its study of the examination of telecommunication companies' service contract practices.
I want to welcome our witnesses today. From Bell Canada, we have Mark Graham, senior vice-president, legal and regulatory. From Rogers Communications, joining us virtually, we have Tony Staffieri, president and chief executive officer. He's accompanied by Bret Leech, president, residential.
Each of your organizations will have five minutes for opening remarks, starting with Mr. Graham.
The floor is yours for five minutes.