I think you've understood me exactly correctly.
My belief is that the government needs to understand that quantum computers today are not a better, faster, cheaper solution to any known problem in terms of their ability to actually deliver that, and yet we know that there are many areas where only quantum computers will likely be able to do this work in the future.
I think the real question is, without forcing a half fence on industry, how do we make sure that we are procuring in ways that recognize the current state, going into this with eyes open and saying that we need this work to happen over, say, the next decade? We also need to recognize that if you're using a quantum computer to do a solution today, you're not using the best available solution, so for studying how quantum computers work, this is very important, but to say that everyone should switch to quantum computers today is nonsense. It's impossible, and it's not something that's in line with the technology and the technological reality.