Tremendous thanks to the witnesses today for helping to illustrate the magnitude of the challenge that lies ahead, as well as the magnitude of the opportunity.
In listening to each of you, when I think of this kind of Manhattan project-scale effort that's required, it strikes me that there are probably—and correct me if I'm missing anything—three components to that: one is talent, one is dollars, and one is policy. These are the things that have come up today, and in our previous meeting as well.
In the time that I have, I want to touch briefly with our academic witnesses today on the talent piece, with Dr. Simmons on the dollar piece, and with Allison from D-Wave on the policy piece, given that you're the government-relations expert on the panel today.
To Dr. Broadbent and Dr. McCauley, are the graduates at your universities, and Canadian institutions in general, leaving school with the requirements that the industry is looking for right now to build a quantum talent base in Canada?