Absolutely. Mr. Masse, I can talk at least comparatively.
In many of the jurisdictions that we operate in and we look at, these fees do not exist. Once you observe a pattern, if one player is allowed to do it, many players start doing it. Then it becomes more and more okay, and you start to accept more of these leaks—let's call them—in your financial pipeline flow from an individual perspective or a business perspective. There are more inefficiencies that come in there.
If you talk about wire transfers for businesses, once you cap the maximum transfer amount in a certain system to, let's say, $2,000 a day for a small business, sometimes you need to make transfers of $10,000, $20,000, $30,000. You have to resort to other forms of transfers, and then those carry fees with them—wire transfers at $10, $20, $25 each. All of these amass. I've not seen full reporting on what the aggregates are for all Canadians, but I suspect this is a very large number.