We are very pro-consumer. We've always stood up for the consumer and for making sure that Canadians are much more financially successful and secure, and so we're very much aligned in how we approach it.
I agree with just about everything that was said. I want to add, though, that, in our view, where the current incumbents have made themselves very successfully entrenched is with the interchange fees. Interchange fees are set at such a level where consumers think they're getting a benefit because they're getting all these air miles or air points in return. The air points lock them into these providers, and they keep spending money because they think they're earning points. At the end of the day, they're paying these huge interchange fees through these points that they think they're earning.
All of this technology works together to entrench the consumer in an anti-competitive playing field. It becomes very difficult to put something out there that competes with that, because Canadians have been fed this idea that the more you spend, the more points you get and you get to fly for free. Well, nothing is free. It doesn't work that way.