Thank you for your kind words.
It hasn't been easy. We found a niche in the marketplace very early where there were high fees and a lot of costs in between. What we did in the very, very beginning.... Our mission is to help consumers become much more financially successful and secure. The way we did it is we had that as our north star, and looking at that, we cut out all the fees in the middle and went directly to the consumer using existing rules and regulations.
Of course, we had to have a lot of discussions with the regulators. We have a lot of regulators that we deal with on a regular basis. We are heavily regulated in the financial services industry. It involves a lot of conversations to get them to understand that we're on the side of consumers. We need to help consumers do more. Competition is good and is better. We were at the forefront of lowering fees and helping consumers do better. That's why we're here.