Mr. Savard‑Tremblay, thank you for the question. We know that the forestry sector is important.
I represent a region where the forestry industry plays a vital role not only for employment, but also for economic development. At my last appearance, I said I wanted Canada to turn the corner on innovation in the forestry sector.
For example, Canada drew a lot of inspiration from Finland's practices on the various ways of using wood fibre, of which there are many. Back home, at one time, people cut down trees and often laid them down in the Saint-Maurice River. The paper mills would then do the processing.
I recently met with representatives of the Kruger paper mill. They proposed a very innovative project to replace a synthetic fibre with a wood-based fibre.
I'm seeing more and more innovative projects. I'm thinking of Groupe Rémabec, for example, which had an interesting project in the area of biofuels.
We're seeing that, in the forestry sector, new ways of using the forest are being considered not only in Quebec, but also across the country. We have to remember that this is one of our renewable resources.
Clearly, sound forest management is essential. We are working with those in charge of the forestry sector, and I can tell you that projects are under way.
Mr. Savard‑Tremblay, I'm like you. I'm a man of action. I would like things to be done quickly. Rest assured that we are working hand in hand with forestry industry stakeholders.