Thank you for your comments. What I think you are talking about is a framework of generational opportunities. You talk about the industrial base, and I liked that you mentioned Japan and South Korea. I would add Germany. If you look at countries around the world that, over a long period of history, have succeeded in creating jobs, creating prosperity and being strategic in their supply chains, you will see Korea, Japan and Germany. This is based on a very strong manufacturing base.
You've seen that, thanks to the policies we put in place with the Minister of Finance, we have been attracting a record level of investments. In 2023, Canada was number three in the world for attracting investment. After the United States and Brazil, you had Canada. If you would just add on a per capita basis, we would be first in the world.
Let me give you an example. The largest single investment of Dow Chemical, in its more than a hundred years of history, was in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta. That is the largest investment in its history. If you look at the largest investment of Honda in 75 years of history, it was $15 billion, and it chose Canada. Look at BHP and the Jansen project. BHP has more than a hundred years of history. It's the largest mining company in the world. If you talk to the CEO, phase one of the Jansen potash project in Saskatchewan was the largest investment in their history, more than a hundred years of history. Phase two was the second largest. It's close to $20 billion that you've seen the largest mining company invest in Canada.
That's why I would echo your words. Stability, predictability and the rule of law are in high demand and in short supply in the world. I think Canada stands out, and that's why you've seen a record level of investments. That's why we should celebrate Canada and our workers.