I'm hearing that you think it would undermine the core value proposition of those bundled services and the very stable pricing that you've been able to provide. I get what you're saying. I don't know whether it's completely satisfactory to me, but I do get what you're saying. I understand that, from your strategic business perspective, this may make a lot of sense for you, and I also get that it's not just about you. The way you're talking about it is very clearly focused on what is best for your customers. Obviously, a successful business has to serve its customers well, otherwise it won't be able to compete.
I want to clarify one other quick thing. Very clearly, you have said a number of times that because of a processing fee change, an increase, your customers are only saving about $10. I want to just say that I understand that this may be your perspective within your target market or within your customer base, but our numbers at the federal level suggest that, based on the changes that have been made, companies—small businesses—that have credit card payments that are processed of about $300,000 would see savings of $1,080 per year. It's pretty significant savings there in general. That may not be the case for your particular clients, but certainly for others that are seeing those interchange fee reductions, that's a really significant amount for a small business. I just want to get that on the record because I don't want people to misinterpret what you have said here, and I think it's important the fact that the federal government has done some decent work here to lower those interchange fees, which we really want to see handed down to small businesses. I think you can get that from all members here today. We all want to see our small businesses thrive. They've gone through tough times, and we want to make sure that they have the lowest possible fee structures and fees.
Thanks very much for your testimony.