I have a suggestion that I really think we should consider. This suggestion was actually made by somebody last week, but I do think we need to develop a pan-Canada training program that involves collaboration among the institutions and collaboration with industry. I think CDL, the Creative Destruction Lab, was mentioned as a possible centre for directing such a thing, but I think that this could really help to bring more people here.
In terms of keeping them here, I've had several international students that have been successful in staying. There's been a lot of talk about difficulty in that, but I'm not sure. My experience thus far is that as long as somebody can get a job they seem to be able to stay.
Recruiting and retaining people is one of our key challenges. I think the universities are largely competing in this space now, and we need to work together. I really feel like if we had a training program that was beyond student exchanges, beyond internships, with courses that people could give from different institutions and that could rotate, for example, and with an actual accreditation that would attract people from outside, that would be an excellent addition.