To add to what my colleagues have said, I would like to add that there are now concrete definitions of the term “gatekeeper” in Europe and the United States. Those definitions always refer to the size of a company based on its sales figures, the number of businesses and individuals it has as clients, the fact that it is the only channel of communication, and the sustainability of its position. There is therefore a convergence on the definition of this term, which would therefore apply to some ten platforms in the world, including the much-talked-about GAFAM, which everyone knows.
Where is Canada in all this? Many of my colleagues say that it is in our interest to watch the show, let the Americans and Europeans do the work and then ask for the same thing. That is one option. That said, Canada has some particularities. For example, Canada has more small businesses. In some regions of the country, small businesses are critical to the economy.
It would therefore be a good idea for us to take the situation in hand ourselves, instead of simply waiting to see what happens elsewhere. That said, we could draw considerable inspiration from that.