We have about 640,000 international students studying in Canada. Ontario attracts a significant number of them. Windsor-Essex is fortunate to have two great educational institutions that attract a huge number of international students.
While we do a great job of attracting them, we do a very poor job of retaining them. We make it very difficult for those who are here to find jobs. There are a limited number of hours that they can work. They have limited avenues to work. There are many other constraints. We also make it very difficult for them to find a path to residency. We basically force them to work for someone else, even though they may have an entrepreneurial streak in them and even though they may have the wherewithal and the means to start their business. We actually negate all of that and force them to work for someone else.
In the process, many regions like Windsor-Essex lose these students, because they tend to get jobs in larger metropolitan areas. We don't just lose them to employers and that; we lose them forever. That's the unfortunate part. A region like Windsor-Essex, which is having a huge demand for workers, doesn't end up benefiting at all, even though we attract quite a lot of students here.