I think many things influence that. You have higher adoption rate in places where the weather, the availability and all those things play into it. Certainly cities across Canada, such as Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver and maybe Calgary would have higher adoption.
I think one thing we have to be very aware of is that the technology needs to significantly increase for countries like ours, where we have a significantly colder climate. You have range anxiety around those things. You also have the charging network. Canada is a big country. When you look at the number of people who live in California, which is really the whole country in an area significantly smaller than our country, I think you're going to have a higher adoption in a lot of different places.
I suspect that you will see adoption sort itself out as technology increases, as the infrastructure gets in place for charging and all those kinds of things. I think those things are a ways away of actually fulfilling the requirements that will be necessary.
Therefore, I'm not in favour of more regulation on anything. I think our country has a lot of regulation already. I don't think it needs any more.