I think that's a huge challenge. I had a woman at my house recently who mentioned all the difficult challenges that she went through in terms of discrimination and everything. I have also worked on women in the IT sector, so I have worked on various sectors in which women are in the minority.
There are a certain number of things that need to be done to bring women into these various sectors—trades and others—and yes, definitely, what you're mentioning could be a plus. Women are definitely still the primary caregivers, and a lot of women are alone with children, so the financial aspect is hugely important for a lot of women who don't necessarily have very high wages.
Then again, all the issues of work-life balance—as much as you can support this aspect—like day care, for example, are hugely important. It's true that as long as we don't have sufficient, high-quality day care for all women throughout Canada, it's difficult for a certain number of women, especially the low-paid ones, to get into and to stay in the labour market.