I'm sorry; I didn't have the translation on, so I didn't hear the question.
The quick question is, with Freedom Mobile being acquired by Quebecor, is that an adequate solution? Is that helpful in this situation? I think the answer is no. I don't believe that Freedom Mobile is the linchpin in this deal. I believe that this is a lowball kind of offer. We see that basically Rogers and Shaw are not even agreeing to divest all of the wireless assets here. They're just trying to take three-quarters of a loaf and spin that off—Freedom Mobile to Quebecor—as if that's good enough. I think this is the way in which the companies have hubristically approached this transaction from day one, as if it was a slam dunk and they could lowball their offers to appease regulators.
That, I think, speaks to some of the things that Ben, John and Michael have also pointed to here all along, this idea that the regulators have struck a very weak stance in the face of intransigent market power, concentrated markets, and they're used to getting what they want. The divestiture of Freedom to Quebecor, I think, should not be given serious consideration.