Over a decade ago, a Harvard study pointed to regulatory hesitance at the CRTC for the source of our woes then. I think that problem has been really compounded under the current leadership. So that's one major job—getting that right.
The second thing is that the BTLR report is chockablock full of good ideas in the second chapter and the last chapter, but all attention has been on the cultural policy and broadcasting policy reforms in chapter three. To my view, that is the weakest read in that whole report and that committee's work, but it's sucking up all the oxygen at the expense of the kinds of issues we're talking about here. I think we need to really address that.
My third and final point is that we really must insist on recognizing reality, which is that these markets will always be highly concentrated. It is dependent upon regulators and policy-makers to recognize that reality, do what they can to erect curbs on that market power, and impose mandatory public interest obligations and steps to ensure that these kinds of risks with network outages are minimized.