Here's a current scorecard and this is what I think I find frustrating with regard to what's taking place here.
You have a failure by Rogers in the system affecting not only just the economy but also, critically, 911. That falls under the responsibility of the minister and also our regulatory bodies because, whatever anybody wants to say about it, we allowed a provider to provide service that wasn't complete, and they weren't willing to invest in it because it wasn't the technology that was the problem.
Now what's going to happen is.... The minister has been meeting privately with the CEOs of an industry that's notorious for fighting amongst themselves and also uses unscrupulous practices with consumers, as the Competition Bureau has shown. Now we have a regulator, being the CRTC—and no disrespect, Mr. Scott, you're a former Telus executive—and we're not going to see all the documents. You admitted already that there are going to be redactions on those things.
How is the public to have any confidence whatsoever in this process? If it's not the minister's responsibility for this, then is it the CRTC's, or do you not have the proper legislation? This should not happen. It's as simple as that. Whose fault is it at the end of the day, and how can the public's confidence be restored when we have all of this insider stuff being set up for the solutions? There won't even be a public inquiry about it.