Good morning, everyone.
I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 34 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Industry and Technology. Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and the motion adopted by the committee on Friday, April 8, 2022, the committee is meeting to study small and medium-sized enterprises and, more broadly, competitiveness.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format, pursuant to the House order of Thursday, June 23, 2022. For members in the room, I can see you if you wish to speak. For members participating in the meeting remotely, please use the “raise hand” function in the Zoom application.
For this very last meeting on our study on competitiveness in the context of small and medium-sized businesses, we're honoured and delighted to have John Pecman, who is a consultant, with us as an individual. Mr. Pecman, thanks for being here.
From the Canadian Intellectual Property Office, we have Konstantinos Georgaras, chief executive officer. Thank you for being here. We also have Iyana Goyette, deputy director of policy and legislation, and Mesmin Pierre, director general of the trademarks and industrial designs branch.
Also joining us is Yves Blanchet, research analyst, from the Institute for Research on Public Policy. He is participating in the meeting in person.
Thank you for being here, Mr. Blanchet.
From the Macdonald-Laurier Institute, we have Aaron Wudrick, director of the domestic policy program.
Thank you all for joining us today for the last meeting on this study.
We will now begin with opening remarks from Mr. Pecman for five minutes. The floor is yours, Mr. Pecman.