I appreciate that.
The other thing that would be useful for you to follow up on in writing—and maybe south of the border is the best example—would be where you've identified practices that are worth pursuing, those that other countries are pursuing and that the CRTC is, as a result, pursuing. It would be good for us to understand the work the CRTC has done to improve its own measures with the template being, “We consulted with folks south of the border, and here are steps we undertook to follow their model” or, if that work isn't fully completed in some cases, understanding the status of the work and following through on best practices that you've found in other parts of the world. I think that's very helpful where it's directly relevant to your work.
If in the course of undertaking some of your work—as you say, it's within your legislative scheme—there are other best practices that you come across as a result of your relationships that aren't specific to the CRTC but may be for another agency to pursue, those may also be helpful for the committee's purposes. You might not have a long list, because this is not necessarily within your purview. A follow-up on that in writing would be useful to give a sense of how you are learning from and responding to best practices elsewhere.