Some of the frustrations I had when I was in the RCMP have actually carried over, and I'm not surprised. One of the things is a passion project I have to try to create awareness. I've never had any high sense that I myself would be able to have a big impact. It's a term that Kevin used several times, “grassroots”, but I kept pushing, pushing, pushing, and most recently came our experience with the Western Union matter. The Federal Trade Commission of the United States was the genesis behind that. They basically forced Western Union to hand over in excess of half a billion dollars through a deferred prosecution process, and those funds went to victims of fraud related to Western Union around the world, which is an amazing gift for victims of fraud.
However, the big problem was with getting that information to victims in Canada. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission kept repeating that message, but it did not resonate in Canada.
In March, I start repeating their message the best I could on my limited social media platform, and then, having no luck, I finally got frustrated and actually wrote the commissioner of the RCMP, both on June 1 and June 7, with a view that at that point the end date for the Western Union offer was at the end of June. It was going to die at the end of June. Unfortunately, my plea went nowhere.
I explained who I was, the experience I had with victims, my engagement with fraud and so on, but there was no response until close, I believe, to the end of June, at which point it was almost moot. At that point they basically posted it on the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre website. The perverse thing at that time was that it was posted, I think, on June 26, and at that point it was believed that the offer was going to expire for intake at the end of June. It was pointless doing that, because any victim would need at least a week or more to get all their documentation together.
However, two days later the Federal Trade Commission announced that there was going to be an extension to the end of August. The only meaningful access I've had to advance this cause came when I engaged Mr. Masse, and then he pushed it forward. He has a much larger platform than I'll ever have, so I'm very appreciative of that.
What it speaks to, and I try to be as respectful as I can when I say this, is that at the highest level, the RCMP does not appreciate fraud or appreciate the impact fraud has on its victims. That is a current frustration I have now, and it was also a frustration I had when I was actually a member of the RCMP investigating fraud.