Yes, I was. I have communicated with them over the years, even just in doing my local programs and education. They have reached out to me.
As far as further support or being able to take basic information that we've had available and working more hand in hand goes, no, it's not really something that I've had experience of, whether that's because we're down in Windsor and just off in the corner, or because we have our local police to deal with it. That part I can't speak to.
There are times in doing the things that I do—working with our local police or doing education and working with our university—when I definitely do feel like I'm operating a grassroots program that shouldn't be grassroots after 10 years. More support, regardless of the direction, would definitely be a benefit.
I have looked at their own materials. I certainly have nothing to disparage about that. It is good and sufficient material. It's very elaborate, but whether or not it's getting to everybody is the question we're probably looking to answer here today.