What I would say, just briefly, if I could, is that critical minerals are one of the areas that we look at very carefully, for all the reasons the minister has already enumerated, such as their importance and so on.
In addition, as is laid out in the guidelines that accompany the act, we also take special care when state-owned enterprises are involved. Whether a state-owned enterprise is involved with a critical mineral asset or whether they're involved in something completely different, that's also an area we look at, and the guidelines lay out the reasons why that's the case.
For example, there are some state-owned enterprises that can act in ways that are not economic, and if they were operating a business in Canada in ways that were not really market-driven, it might be distortionary. It might not be efficient and it might cause all kinds of problems. That would be one example, but we certainly look at both the SOE dimension of investments and the critical minerals dimension.