What the government really needs to look into is also APIs. It's the technology between the blockchain and how it interacts with the real world.
You have to look at whether the data that's put on the blockchain can be encrypted. The blockchain could just store a transaction and the hash. You could actually have security if you hash both sides. For example, you can take a piece of data, hash it, throw it onto blockchain and have the other hash on the other side, so you need two sides of it to unencrypt the information.
You can actually store any kind of data on the blockchain. That's where I think the government really needs to do research. How can we look at the layer that's between the blockchain and the real world? It's like two systems. It's like a highway., and you have different cars running on the highway. They're going to be running at different speeds, and I think that industries have to collaborate.
As we were mentioning previously, financial instruments can't be invested in if there's no financial regulation. How do the regulators look at the blockchain? How can they make it secure for themselves? There's this middle layer that could be explored.