Thank you.
There's one thing I would add that is specifically within what the federal government can do to protect Canadians in this area. As Mr. Garetson and I mentioned, crypto trading platforms like ours must keep our clients' crypto assets with custodians. These custodians are themselves regulated, and they are trust companies or banks. They have to have sufficient capital and they have to have procedures for keeping crypto assets secure.
In Canada, regulation of those sorts of entities would fall under OSFI or provincial trust regulators. At present, there's actually only one custodian in all of Canada that meets the requirements under Canadian securities laws, and then there are other custodians that have the technology but do not yet have the regulatory piece. That is, they're not trust companies or banks.
One opportunity at the federal level is for greater openness to developing the crypto asset custody market within Canada. It's a matter that would be overseen by OSFI at the federal level. Actually, last week OSFI did announce that it plans to study this area in the coming years.
Related to that would also be the area of insurance platforms like ourselves, which are required to have insurance for crypto assets. There's increasingly a demand for insurance for crypto asset businesses. Again, to my knowledge, there are no other Canadian insurance companies that will underwrite insurance in this area, but there is a significant demand, both within Canada and globally, for this type of insurance coverage. Again, both custody and insurance are important elements of protecting Canadian investors.