Absolutely. The space is very broad. Now the challenge—and this is where the government should step in—at the end of the day, is network effects. The first telephone.... If you have only one telephone, it has no value. Two telephones have more value, and then it increases exponentially, right? It's all about adoption, and that's why we're betting on open standards.
The important thing is not the applications we at Mavennet are seeing. It's the applications we're not seeing. When the Internet was created, no one was thinking about Google Maps. They were thinking about websites, right? This is the same thing. If we have this framework, this foundation, that's when things happen. However, it needs to be open. It needs to be interoperable, and there needs to be, at least, a leader.
The Internet was created thanks to DARPA. It inspired this adoption. It got the Internet to critical mass. That's why we're not operating Internets. That's why we have the Internet.