It's ironic, because they want the same standards from consumers and expectations, but they won't provide the same over here.
I'll go now to Mr. Lawford and Mr. Hatfield.
I find that over here, Canada is still treated as a colony in many respects with consumer issues, because our competition laws need to be updated. It's funny, because I hear these arguments. You could make the same arguments as some of the OEMs are making now with a screwdriver and hammer: It's about public safety; we're too concerned that people will hurt themselves, and they're going to damage things.
Isn't there also a little bit of room here for innovation and ingenuity? I guess what I'm worried about is our culture in North America is about fixing things we buy. This is a cultural shift as well as it is a structural one in the economy. If we can't go back to where we were as purchasers who were allowed to actually do things with stuff that we bought, then we've actually shifted our culture.
This is for Mr. Hatfield and Mr. Lawford.