However, today's vehicles are technological wonder pieces. They generate 25 gig an hour of data that is received by the OEMs telematically. It's transmitted wirelessly. I wrote an editorial several years ago in The New York Times about how your vehicle knows how much weight you've gained. There are even data points for when you sit on your seat. Your seat is a scale in order to properly moderate the airbag deployment. That type of data is transmitted back to the original equipment manufacturers, unbeknownst to the consumers.
There are really two issues at play here. We are advocating for the consumer to be able to choose where their vehicle is being repaired by having the independent repair shop access repair and diagnostic data. The second is the awareness of the consumer of this data that could potentially be sold by the automakers, unbeknownst to the consumer.
Who owns the data? Right now, the consumer does not have a say in terms of where that data goes, so I would ultimately say that at this point, from an automotive perspective, that telematic data is very much owned by the original equipment manufacturer.