Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Competition helps Canadians by allowing them to have choice, lower prices and better service. There's an alarming precedent being set, I feel, in the divestiture of Freedom Mobile in that Rogers, which is the number one market share owner of telecommunications in all of Canada, was allowed to freely vet and choose its number four competitor, which was Videotron, without the approval of the Competition Bureau.
Ms. Pratt and Mr. Durocher, you've mentioned the merger remedies that are in place to approve that. I'm going to talk about paragraph 57, which says:
In addition to approving the remedy package, the Bureau must approve the buyer of the divested asset(s), so as to ensure that such asset(s) will be operated by a vigorous competitor, and that the divestiture itself will not result in a substantial lessening or prevention of competition....
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