There's a lot there. Let me say that ultimately, when somebody said that Rogers got carte blanche on picking its competitors, I don't think that's quite fair to the tribunal's analysis of this. That is, the tribunal took very seriously the commissioner's argument that Videotron would not be an effective competitor. It went through, I think, quite a bit of detail about its reasons for concluding that Videotron might well be an effective competitor.
I would take a bit of an issue with the idea that it's carte blanche, because part of the competition hearing was in fact an assessment of Videotron's capacity to compete going forward.
Another thing that has come up in the discussion so far is this idea of wholesale rates and Mr. Kaplan-Myrth's comments about those. I'm agnostic on that question about whether the CRTC has this right or wrong, but I will say this: It's a really tough thing to get right, so I don't envy the CRTC's task on that. It's a difficult one.
At the same time, it is interesting to hear the comments from Globalive. On the one hand, you have TekSavvy saying it would be impossible. The current rates are making it impossible to compete, and then—