Maybe, if it's a good investment. If it's not, then it disappears.
We know very clearly, when it comes to Bioindustrial Innovation and with the DMZ, that if the bets don't work then they don't have a business model anymore, whereas with the strategic innovation fund, if the bets don't work then we don't know. It's a good point.
I'm out of time, so it would be very helpful, actually, and I would like to know.... You can follow up in writing. I'm sorry; you made more work for yourself, so I apologize. It would be very helpful for you to lay out, when we look at the supercluster money and at SIF money, what the return on those investments have been, however you characterize it. I would like to know.
I think we should be clear-eyed about how we put a lot of money into these programs. What's been the public interest return? It might be a return to taxpayers in terms of economic activity. It might be public interest advancement in particular technologies. I would love to know what the credible return is on the money we've invested in the innovation ecosystem through the strategic innovation fund in particular. I would expand that to the sustainable development technology fund. However, I think we should be clear-eyed about what return we're getting for the work that we're putting in.
If you could follow up in writing, that would be appreciated.