It's not very good. It doesn't satisfy the purpose at all for this.
If you talk about the CRTC report, it's funny. The headlines, when you first look at first flush at this thing, are that there are no problems here or issues, that we're all good and that everybody is getting the service they want. If you look deeper into what they sampled, there were just over 2,000 people who were actually sampled. This only applied to fixed-line Internet service, so this would be a person who has fibre to their house or fixed wire, not wireless. That was the other little thing: Rural Canada has many, many times more, as far as being wireless goes.
The biggest thing in the study and the biggest major flaw in it was that it was only done in large urban centres. Ironically enough, it was right in the fine print—“located in major Canadian metropolitan areas”—so it has nothing to do even with suburbia. This report is not very good, in my opinion.