Right now you're talking about maximum speeds and advertised speeds, but another angle on all of this is a minimum service quality standard. This has been in front of the CRTC for many years. They actually adopted a minimum service quality standard in many proceedings, and also a method to measure the standard. With regard to the measurement question Mr. Maker was raising, there was a methodology that the CRTC developed, but it was never implemented in practice.
For example, all of the rural subsidy programs.... I advocated that when you give out subsidies, you should put minimum service quality standards that are legally binding into the subsidy contracts. However, as far as I know, nobody has really done that. Essentially, subsidies are going out and there's going to be monitoring built in, but nobody is going to be looking at what the quality of service is going to be in a few years. With the adoption of minimum standards in contracts, on the contractual side you would have to specify the normal or typical speed plus the minimum speed in the contract.
Different regulators have different ways of measuring it. I was just looking at what the Dutch regulator is doing on this. There are definitions: You are not getting the normal speed that you were promised if eight out of 10 tests over a week do not meet that threshold, and this can be specified. If those standards are not met, consumers can go to the CCTS or join a class action lawsuit. There are very practical ways of dealing with this, and the minimums are very important.