I have a question for Jeremy with regard to the G-1 amendment.
My reading on proposed paragraph 41.12(1)(b) is that someone can buy a piece of equipment that has a piece of software embedded into it and than want to manufacture their own equipment that is interoperable with it. They've lawfully obtained it, so proposed paragraph 41.12(1)(b) does enable them to make that interoperable; it says, “with any other computer program, device or component.”
Let's say I'm manufacturing a device. If someone has lawfully obtained the original equipment with the software embedded in it.... Maybe it's not a question for Jeremy, but that's the example you're using, right?
I don't know if you can clarify that, and then maybe we can hear from the department as to whether that then answers.... If I went about manufacturing a piece of equipment and I lawfully obtain what I want to ensure my equipment is interoperable with, am I not meeting the challenge here?