Speaking of the Horne Foundry, I can certainly say, Mr. Chair, that addressing air pollution is a shared responsibility between federal and provincial governments.
The new Quebec ministerial authorization for the Horne smelter certainly tightens obligations on the facility by setting stricter targets for heavy metals in ambient air and requiring the company to submit a plan to achieve the provincial standard for arsenic, over time. We are certainly looking at this authorization and the conditions, and assessing them jointly with our colleagues at Health Canada. We'll certainly continue to support the Province of Quebec and regional health authorities with respect to this issue.
The federal government is also looking at taking action in terms of the development of a health-based ambient air quality objective for arsenic that will represent the highest safe level of exposure to the substance. This voluntary tool could then be used by stakeholders, including provinces and territories, to manage arsenic health risks.
I'll see if my colleague from NRCan wants to add anything in terms of this particular facility.