Thank you.
I would like those documents to be provided to the Committee, if that is possible.
The last aspect we should address in connection with this industry, in my opinion, is obviously the question of recycled products. I believe that a tiny portion of recycled products in Quebec and Canada is sent to the Horne Foundry. For example, we know that products from Silicon Valley will end up there.
How could we increase the volume of electronic waste and metals that end up there? In my opinion, it would be in our interest to do that. The more products we recycle, the less we will depend on complex concentrates to get the same volume of products.
At the same time, this waste that is to be recycled, which comes from electronic parts, in particular, contains silicon components, paint, and toxic elements. What impact does that have on product recycling and on the environment? There seems to be a disconnect between the standards and their effects on the environment.
In other words, can we increase production of anodes or copper by mandating that a larger volume of electronic products be recycled?
What it often comes down to is money. I get the feeling that it costs less to go international, and that corporations—often private corporations—will make more money by buying products and exporting them internationally rather than keeping them here. That means we also lose the resource.