Absolutely. As we begin looking at what other jurisdictions are doing, Canada is actually advanced, compared to the United States, when it comes to the advancement of extended producer responsibility programs. We're hoping to export that learning.
However, as we look at Europe, there are opportunities to learn from and engage with the different companies and members we have that operate in Europe. We do work with Plastics Europe to understand what is taking place in the EU that is helping the EU to increase its recycling rates.
Again, you need to take into account the fact that there are significant differences in population density. That affects the ability to collect the waste plastic at the economies of scale that are needed. It's to actually support the investment in some of these areas. When we look at what Canada can do to help bridge that gap, it's really going back to having the federal government implement the $100-million fund to support innovation and infrastructure that was committed in the ministerial mandates in 2021.