Mr. Lemire, just to clarify, we haven't yet built the permanent rare-earth magnet recycling plant yet. We are building it now. That's an important distinction to make.
Rare earth recycling only began about 10 years ago. In 2012, China wasn't even recycling rare earths. In 2018, about 30% of rare earth production was from recycling. That shows that if you take concrete action, you can create a rare earth production industry just from recycling. It's very significant.
We are now making an effort to bring the electric vehicle industry to Canada. However, it's not just a matter of bringing electric motors built in China to Canada; everything should be made here. To make all the components, rare earths are essential; for rare earths, you need oxides. Right now in Canada there are no rare earth mines that produce final oxides. Without enough mines, that option isn't available. So the best and fastest approach is recycling.
Not only that, but in China today, recycling is not done properly. That's not what we want to do here. We therefore need to develop better methods that will not create toxic or noxious residues. As you mentioned, we have a plant on Montreal's South Shore. We would never consider installing a rare earth recycling plant that pollutes the surroundings. Our plants do not create residues. Our environmental requirements are so strict that if we can develop reasonably-priced processing plants, we would be able to convince the rest of the world to use the same methods as us.
Bauxite residue is an interesting case in point. In Quebec, we have been extracting alumina, from which we produce bauxite residue. Bauxite residue contains several metals, including alumina, iron, rare earths, scandium, titanium and several other metals that should be recovered.
If the residues just sit there for years and don't contribute any value, then we are losing out. We now have the opportunity to create a circular economy, which would give us a chance to create new sources of value.
I think that Canada can become a world leader in mining residue recovery.