This is going to be the largest single plant in Canada's history.
Actually, Mr. Chair, just for the record, there is nothing about $14 billion. First of all, the company needs to build a plant of $7 billion, and if and whenever they build and sell one battery, subject to the IRA, retroactively, over 10 years, there might be a production support. That's the reality of this deal.
I'd be really happy to come and explain to everyone in this room why this is the best deal for Canada, with a payback of five years for a company that will be there for a hundred years. I can tell you, sir, because I've been involved from day one: Every jurisdiction in the world would want that plant, because that's going to be the largest Volkswagen plant in the world to produce batteries.
I have ambition for Canada. This is about possibilities and ambition. You don't need to look far, sir. Just look south of the border. Just look at what our friends are doing in the United States. I believe we need to be there to support industry and to support our workers. That's what I did.