In terms of national security, we'll be in a good position to accomplish a lot. These interim measures are certainly important, because we want to make sure that there won't be any technology transfers during the review. That's a significant shortcoming in the current Investment Canada Act. That's why I am hoping that with the assistance of our colleagues, we'll be able to have this bill adopted as quickly as possible.
As you were saying, Mr. Lemire, what's important today is intellectual property and all of the intangible assets. We want to prevent the transfer of any given company's knowledge or secrets. So if you were to ask me whether one provision was more important than others, I would answer that it's the one that will enable us to establish interim conditions while we are carrying out the review.
Some of our colleagues have had to apply this act in the past. Imagine a company today that wants to purchase an artificial intelligence enterprise. Without a measure of this kind to prohibit the transfer of knowledge between the two, even if a transaction is blocked, the harm has more or less already been done.
That's what we have to accomplish. It's one of the most important tools for defending the country's economic interests.