Okay. I want to get to my next question.
The CRTC is new to me, and I'm a new member of INDU. I'm learning that the CRTC has different functions. On one hand, you administer government funding to partner up with carriers and to expand broadband coverage infrastructure. On the other hand, you approve wholesale rates, and then you act as a supervisor and regulator for the industry. On top of that, you oversee the thousands of broadcasters.
Do you find it challenging to balance all these different hats? I'm asking this question in the context of Canadian customers, who are paying some of the highest rates in the world.
The fact is that there's a lot of responsibility on your shoulders, and, at times, there might be conflicts when you have to make important decisions. I compare it to the electricity system, which is equally complex. They have multiple regulators, each taking a part of the whole system.
In short, do you feel that it may be time for change? Do you think there's too much responsibility for one agency?