Probably not. It's interesting; I believe the mandated U.S. service level is still 25 megabits per second. But all of us are going to have to review this.
I would note that it was the CRTC five or six years ago that set 50/10 as an aspirational target. It wasn't our place to dictate what speeds would be required, but the commission set it as an objective that looked forward and seemed to be a reasonable amount.
You're quite right. With the evolution of HD and ultra HD, and the amount of video programming, the requirement in the future may be much higher. Indeed, the service offerings that are out there today are up to, and in some cases exceeding, a gigabit, and many Canadians, particularly during the pandemic, have been increasing the speeds they subscribe to. I don't know what the average is now, but it's more than 50/10.