First of all, in terms of the overall framework, I've mentioned that there is the issue of the incompleteness. We have the basis for starting to develop that framework.
I would note, for example, areas where other countries have kicked out applications because they are inconsistent with their national security concerns. China kicked out Google, for example. If a company is here making money and is actually shaping your culture, we have an area of regulation that deals with culture, but there is a gap. That's one thing.
In terms of the overall business model and in terms of dealing with the regulation, I would point you to the highly detailed operational guidelines that exist in the trade realm. The Canada Border Services Agency and the Canadian International Trade Tribunal have extraordinarily detailed guidelines on how to administer those acts. We are nowhere near having started the development of similar guidelines to deal with data. I would be happy if we had a 200-page-thick document that cited examples of how we dealt with that issue, this issue or whatever issue in order to provide guidance to our civil servants in implementing a data regulatory framework.