Again, I will ask, one, is there the expertise to actually do this review properly, and is it done in an integrated whole? Two, is it done in a transparent fashion, so that we can be assured of where it's done and where it's accountable to Parliament? Three, is it done in the proper scope of realms that I'm trying to address? I've mentioned data, like Mr. Ciuriak has, so my answer to all of those is no.
I will restate: If we do not start rethinking our approaches, including to trade, investment, competition, democracy, privacy and AI—these are linked elements and they're for all the marbles—our citizens will pay the price of this inattention. The time for not taking this seriously is past.
I've been here before on regulated data and AI. We've seen the relevance of AI soar on this, and you've had people talk about this interrelationship of data and AI. I see none of this properly factored into these approaches. It's just.... It's regulatory theatre, and we have to come to terms with the fact that that's been our modus operandi for too long.