Again, having been in the business of doing business with folks who want to invest in this country, the regulatory environment is a key one. If we are going to lay out conditions that are going to impact, for example, IP, we need to make sure that they're clear and transparent so people understand what those things are going to be when it comes to national security.
The other comment that has been alluded to is the net benefit agreement. The reality is that much of the technology that we're looking at today is going to be able to used for dual purpose. Again, if you're going to be looking at certain sectors and certain technologies, we need to understand. Artificial intelligence, for example, is going to be the defining technology over the next two decades. It's not a vertical. It's a horizontal, which means that it's going to be integrated in virtually every sector in this country, national defence right through to health and life sciences criteria.
How do you protect against the use of that in some other form? I think you're going to have a very challenging set of conditions if you're going to want to list them all. I think you have to look at outcome-based things that are more important to drive what you're looking for in this legislation.