That's a great segue, actually.
My other definitional issue is with respect to national security. It's easy for a politician to write down those words, but as we've seen just recently with one of our own MPs and his family being threatened, the breadth of national security can be quite wide.
An example is a predatory regime. If they get a lead in AI that could be a national security issue for us going forward. In fact, I would challenge Mr. Bruce.
You said something about working with perhaps the regime in Beijing, and if we give them access to our economy we'll be friends with them. To me that just strikes of naïveté and dangerously so. Should we not be separating, or at least having some discussion in terms of there being a difference there from the United States of America, a democracy that, by and large, lives by the rule of law as opposed to authoritarian, dictatorial regimes?
I would open the floor to Mr. Bruce on that.